Wed, 22 July 2009
After a wishy-washy, namby-pamby episode zero, The Cloister Room roars onto the scene with its triumphant episode 001: "The Small Screen, the Big Screen, and the Bigger-on-the-Inside Screen."
In this episode, host Tom Dickinson kicks it off by discussing Doctor Who films: The ones that were made, the ones that were proposed, and the one that's rumored to be in development. All this and more (but not much more) in the exciting premiere of The Cloister Room.
I am getting pretty tired of Russell T. Davies so if there is a movie I’d really prefer him not be the one to do it. For a special, Planet of the Dead was remarkably not special. Though the worst thing about the episode is how worshipped the Doctor was. Malcolm’s love for the Doctor annoyed me and then even Magambo partook in the Doctor love at the end. It’s getting a bit much, I would really like to see people start to turn on the Doctor or at the very least not fawn all over him – which is another thing growing tired on Doctor Who. The companion always falls in love with the Doctor or at the very least want to spend their lives with him. I hope Moffat spices things up but I am guessing not based on who they cast. Is it sacrilege to suggest that maybe the companion should be a guy just for one series? (I’ve just seen the new series.)
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