The Cloister Room 066 - Darren Is In My Personal Canon

This week's random selection brings Tom and Louis to a fan favorite: The Evil of the Daleks. Louis discovers the wonderful world of reconstructions, and Tom gets very excited about static and mirrors. Also, a minor tangent about crossover fanfiction!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_066_-_Darren_Is_In_My_Personal_Canon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52pm EDT

The Cloister Room 065 - Now I Am Total Power.mp3

Tom and Louis, in their random wand'rings through time and space, were brought to the end of the Pertwee era for a discussion of Planet of the Spiders. Among the topics of discussion are world religions and terrible Two Legs acting--plus, a rather prescient remark from Tom (keep in mind that this was actually recorded prior to the announcement of Peter Capaldi's casting as the Doctor!).

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_065_-_Power_Spiders__Spiders_of_Power.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:46pm EDT

The Cloister Room 064 - Dick Clark's New Doctor's Rockin' Eve

This week, on this very podcast, you can hear a couple of white guys talk about how excited they are about the new white guy who's playing the Doctor. The bizarre manner of the casting announcement is discussed, and Tom and Louis ostensibly discuss the first episode of The Thick of It, but actually don't.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_064_-_Dick_Clarks_New_Doctors_Rockin_Eve.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:39pm EDT

The Cloister Room 063 - A Bird On The Head Is Worth Two In The Hand

This week Tom and Louis's random story generator brings them to the show's twentieth season for a rendezvous with a Brig or two. Tom sings the praises of Paddy Kingsland's  iconic driving theme, and Louis wonders what the deal is with all these Turloughs and Guardians and what have yous. And there is no discussion about Peter Capaldi, because this was recorded two weeks ago.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_063_-_A_Bird_On_The_Head_Is_Worth_Two_In_The_Hand.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:29pm EDT





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