Mon, 29 August 2011
Doctor Who is back on our screens and in our hearts. Tom and Louis discuss "Let's Kill Hitler" and there's plenty of baseless speculation to go around. Plus, now that Tom is caught up on Torchwood: Miracle Day, he and Louis discuss the latest developments in that area. TOM'S SHAMELESS PLUGS: Recap/Review of "Let's Kill Hitler" for The Faster Times: Tumblog (featuring Classic Who tumblin'): LOUIS'S SHAMELESS PLUGS He doesn't have any. What's up with that guy?
Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_026_-_Clearly_I_Am_Not_A_Farmer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm EST
Sat, 27 August 2011
The Cloister Room returns from its inexcusable hiatus to stumble through some thoughts on Torchwood: Miracle May, and speculate wildly (and baselessly) about what's to come on Doctor Who when it returns this weekend.
Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_025_-_A_Storm-an-the-Heart-of-the-Sun_Kind_Of_Guy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08am EST