Thu, 24 February 2011
How do you do? Allow me to introduce you to The Cloister Room episode 017, "Robots? Clones? Robot Clones?" On it, we have much to say about the third and fourth episodes of Big Finish's Eighth Doctor Adventures series, "The Horror of Glam Rock" and "Immortal Beloved." We then have some rather heated discussion about the last few episodes of Caprica. Next week, we'll be looking at the classic William Hartnell story "The Daleks," and the Peter Cushing film adaptation, "Dr. Who and the Daleks." We'll also talk about the news on some upcoming new television projects. Be sure to let us know what you think of the podcast, by commenting here on this post, leaving an @ reply for @TheCloisterRoom on Twitter, or by e-mail at Topics: 00:00-02:28 - Introduction 02:29-16:11 - Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures: The Horror of Glam Rock and Immortal Beloved 16:12-32:48 - Caprica - final episodes (spoilers) 32:49-35:26 - Outroduction
Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_017_-_Robots__Clones__Robot_Clones_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:31pm EST
Mon, 14 February 2011
Here is The Cloister Room episode 016. It is about the Sixth Doctor story "Timelash!" And also about the film "Tron Legacy," as well as our usual sort of tangents and sarcastic rambling. Hope you enjoy the episode! Be sure to let us know what you think of the podcast, by commenting here on this post, leaving an @ reply for @TheCloisterRoom on Twitter, or by e-mail at 00:00-01:12 - Intro 01:13-15:06 - Discussion of Doctor Who: Timelash 15:07-30:24 - Discussion of Tron: Legacy 30:25-32:31 - Outro
Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_016_-_Lashing_the_Time_Away.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST
Mon, 31 January 2011
It's The Cloister Room episode 015. And this isn't just any episode. it's the perennially delayed ZOMBIE EPISODE!
In this one, we talk about the "zombies" in The Unquiet Dead (and have some difficulty relating the episode to the theme), then talk about the Star Wars novel Death Troopers and the recent first season of AMC's The Walking Dead.
Next time, we'll be discussing the oft-maligned Timelash!
Be sure to let us know what you think of the podcast, by commenting here on this post, leaving an @ reply for @TheCloisterRoom on Twitter, or by e-mail at
Show Topics: 00:00-01:48 - Intro 01:49-07:18 - The Unquiet Dead 07:19-19:43 - Star Wars: Death Troopers (some spoilers) 19:44-26:15 - The Walking Dead, season 1 (some spoilers) 26:16-27:39 - Outro
Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_015_-_Zombies_Are_The_Greatest_Teachers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:54pm EST