The Cloister Room 012 - Poor Doctor

Eh? It's the Twelfth episode of The Cloister Room, a podcast about Doctor Who and other things. 

This week, the "Doctor Who" is the David Tennant story "Midnight". Aaaaand no "Other Things."

Next week, we'll be talking about the Eleventh Doctor story "Amy's Choice". The week after that we'll be talking about.... ZOMBIES!

Be sure to let us know what you think of the podcast, by commenting here on this post, leaving an @ reply for @TheCloisterRoom on Twitter, or by e-mail at



00:00-01:48 - Intro

01:49-06:50 - Feedback on "Dalek"

06:51-24:03 - Discussion of "Midnight"

24:04-27:23 - What's coming up

27:24-28:47 - Outro

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_012_-_Poor_Doctor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:22pm EDT

The Cloister Room 011 - Poor Daleks (again)

Oh! It's the eleventh episode of The Cloister Room, a podcast about Doctor Who and other things.

This week, the "Doctor Who" is the Christopher Eccleston story "Dalek". Aaaaand no "Other Things."

Next week, we'll be talking about the Tenth Doctor story "Midnight". The week after that we'll be talking about an Eleventh Doctor story... of your choosing!

Comment here on this post, or leave an @ reply for @TheCloisterRoom on Twitter telling us which we should discuss.

Oh, and be sure to let us know what you think of the podcast, through either of those ways or by e-mail at

Show topics:

00:00-01:27 - Intro

01:28-17:01 - "Dalek" discussion

17:02-19:40 - Next week: "Midnight"!

19:41-21:18 - Conclusion

Direct download: Cloister011.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:47pm EDT

The Cloister Room 010 - Poor Daleks


Huh. It's the tenth episode of The Cloister Room, a podcast about Doctor Who and other things. 

This week, the "Doctor Who" is "Blood of the Daleks," a two-part Big Finish audio play featuring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor. The "Other Things" refers to Firefly! 

Next week, we'll be talking about the Ninth Doctor story "Dalek." The week after that we'll be talking about a Tenth Doctor story... of your choosing!

Comment here on this post, or leave an @ reply for @TheCloisterRoom on Twitter telling us which we should discuss.

Oh, and be sure to let us know what you think of the podcast, through either of those ways or by e-mail at

Topics covered:

00:00-03:32 - Introduction

03:33-09:43 - Blood of the Daleks

09:44-10:55 - Next week

10:56-13:13 - News

13:14-24:45 - Firefly

24:46-end - Outroduction


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_010_-_Poor_Daleks.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58pm EDT

The Cloister Room 009 - Happy (Half) Hour


OOOH! It's the Ninth episode of The Cloister Room, a podcast about Doctor Who and other things. 

This week, the "Doctor Who" is Sylvester McCoy's "The Happiness Patrol." The "Other Things" are The Event and Undercovers! 

Next week, we'll be talking about "Blood of the Daleks," a two-part Big Finish audio play featuring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor. The week after that we'll be talking about a Ninth Doctor story... of your choosing!

Comment here on this post, or leave an @ reply for @TheCloisterRoom on Twitter telling us which we should discuss.

Oh, and be sure to let us know what you think of the podcast, through either of those ways or by e-mail at

Show topics:

00:00-01:43 - Introduction

01:44-09:28 - Discussion of Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol

09:29-12:34 - The FUTURE

12:35-19:07 - Discussion of The Event series premiere (some spoilers)

19:08-26:18 - Discussion of Undercovers series premiere (some spoilers) and an "Odd Jobs" tangent

26:19-27:31 - Conclusion


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_009_-_Happy_Half_Hour.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:43pm EDT





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