Mon, 16 September 2013
This week, Tom and Louis are randomly brought to Provence for an encounter with one of history's most famous painters. Louis wonders about the Doctor's finances, and Tom suggests that Van Gogh may be working with Improv Everywhere. Also, tangents about Bill Nigh-hee, lichens, and Abraham Lincoln.
Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_069_-_Magic_Artist_Powers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:04am EST
Hi guys! I recently discovered your show via DWIN and am glad I did! Really enjoyed your entertaining and quite funny discussion of this episode, and related matters ("C'mon, Doctor, the whole world is held together by screws -- loosen a few of them!" Great stuff.) Keep up the fantastic show. As a relatively new Who fan, most of the classic series is still ahead of me, so I haven't listened to most of your episodes yet, but I will get there!
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