Sun, 23 June 2013
Tom and Louis met to discuss the overall quality of Doctor Who's seventh series, but were derailed briefly by a plague of missing episode rumors (skip to 18:44 if you don't want to hear about those). Tom waxed vitriolic about The Power of Three, while Louis appraised the season's worthiness as a farewell to Matt Smith. All this and tangents!
Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_057_-_Nostalgia_For_Old_Hatred.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:20pm EST
"A Town Called Mercy" & "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" need to be locked in a windowless room and fight each other to the death to determine which was the biggest waste of time in series 7 and/or worst filler episode ever. Or perhaps they could do their impression of the Lazaruses from ST TOS' "The Alternative Factor" and be sealed for all eternity between positive and negative universes in a perpetual dance of death, and that way I'll never have to watch either of them again! Yes, let's do that.
Re: "Power of Three" - yes, brilliant idea to have a menu choice seven minutes before the end to either dump you out or let you watch on. Oh, or have an "alternate ending" choice with storyboards or something where they can actually tell the story that they were meaning to before everything went so pear shaped. I do think that the Moffat era has suffered for big ideas crammed into too small a space. The result is obvious editing for time at the sacrifice of character development or, in some cases like POT, rationality. Think about "Nightmare in Silver". That could have been FANTASTIC. But all you get is glimpses of awesome sprinkled through a matrix of pretty good. It's frustrating to know how close they keep coming to excellent, yet never quite get there. Still, even mediocre Who is better than most stuff out there! Thanks for podcasting, guys!
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