The Cloister Room 143 - FINAL

Tom and Louis have reached the end of their wanderings at last. But there’s still time to discuss one more episode of Doctor Who. And some other stuff.

“Fluidscape” by Kevin MacLeod licensed under CC BY 3.0

The Cloister Room is over, but watch this space in 2016.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_143_-_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

The Cloister Room 142 - The Sound of His Chirps

On the penultimate episode of The Cloister Room, Tom and Louis leave the TARDIS to journey to a galaxy far, far away. There are spoilers.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_142_-_The_Sound_of_His_Chirps.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:44am EST

The Cloister Room 141 - The Mind Robert

With Series Nine behind them, Tom and Louis journey to the land of fiction, where topics of discussion include the Doctor's fictionality, face blindness, and people that are horses.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_141_-_The_Mind_Robert.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:09pm EST

The Cloister Room 140 - The Donna Treatment

Tom and Louis visit scenic Gallifrey and have a nice bowl of soup. Topic include memory wipes, immortality, and whether this is or isn't the best series of Doctor Who ever.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_140_-_The_Donna_Treatment.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30pm EST

The Cloister Room 139 - Perpetual Skull

Trapped in their own bespoke torture castle, Tom and Louis must confess their shocking opinions about Peter Capaldi's new one-man show. Topics include skull ecology, confession dial procedure, and of course, hybrids.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_139_-_Perpetual_Skull.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:50pm EST

The Cloister Room 138 - Bonkers Nonsensical Plan

On a hidden street Tom and Louis must discuss the latest episode of Doctor Who, or they may be forced to face the raven...

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_138_-_Bonkers_Nonsensical_Plan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

The Cloister Room 137 - On-Demand Complaint Negation

This audio was recovered from the computers of Tom Dickinson and Louis Mitas after they discussed Sleep No More.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_137_-_On-Demand_Complaint_Negation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:50pm EST

The Cloister Room 136 - Vegan Zygons, Zygon Vegans, Vegons

Tom and Louis stand in a room in the Black Archive, their hands poised over buttons on opposing Osgood boxes. What will it be? Truth, or Consequences? Who is a human and who is a Zygon? All will (perhaps) be revealed!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_136_-_Vegan_Zygons_Zygon_Vegans_Vegons.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:59am EST

The Cloister Room 135 - Zygon Riff

Tom and Louis are back for another episode of The Cloister Room. But are they both truly who they seem to be? Or could either one of them be a Zygon in disguise? Or does it even really matter, in the end? All of this and more will be revealed in the latest episode of The Cloister Room, discussing The Zygon Invasion!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_135_-_Zygon_Riff.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

The Cloister Room 134 - No Worse Than What You'd Hear in a Shakespeare Play


Louis and Tom venture to regency England for an encounter with the mysterious highwayman known as the Knightmare. Topics of discussion include Mire-pattern baldness, the Lion King, and the color mauve.



The Cloister Room 133 - Shrub Jefferson

Tom and Louis have their long-awaited encounter with the mysterious Girl Who Died. But who is she? The Rani? Susan? Romana? Or something far stranger? Topics of discussion include the Doctor's face, iPhones, and eel habitats.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_133_-_Shrub_Jefferson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST

The Cloister Room 132 - This Is a Man in a Rubber Suit and We Are Proud

Journey with Tom and Louis back Before the Flood. Topics of discussion include secret workplace romance, the Fisher King's pseudo-death protocols, and the Doctor's vlog. All this plus missing episodes, Big Finish, and more! more! more!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_132_-_This_Is_a_Man_in_a_Rubber_Suit_and_We_Are_Proud.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

The Cloister Room 131 - Corridor Relay Race

Tom and Louis journey Under the Lake (well, *into* the lake, at any rate), for a discussion of the latest adventure with the Doctor and Clara. Topics of discussion include candy, cliffhangers, and Class.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_131_-_Corridor_Relay_Race.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20pm EST

The Cloister Room 130 - Dr. Who and the Wheel of Snakes

That witch is familiar, isn’t she? Tom and Louis talk about the conclusion of the Doctor’s adventure on Skaro, and topics of discussion include how to write a good title, Kaledizing Davros, and Dalek strategy.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_130_-_Dr._Who_and_the_Wheel_of_Snakes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:26pm EST

The Cloister Room 129 - A One-Man Show, or A Many-Snake Show

It's back! Doctor Who is back on our screens! Tom and Louis discuss the long-awaited premiere of series nine, and weigh in on the Doctor, Missy, Clara, and all the surprise reveals and whatnot. Also discussed is the theatrical screening of Dark Water/Death in Heaven. There's so much going on we forget to even mention Jenna Coleman's officially confirmed departure from Doctor Who! Oops!

All this, and stay to the end for a (moderately) important announcement.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_129_-_One_Man_Many_Snake.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The Cloister Room 128 - Skimming the Works of Kant

Tom and Louis revisit an old premise, discussing both the iconic Hartnell story The Dalek Invasion of Earth and its cinematic adaptation starring Peter Cushing. Topics of discussion include Bernard Cribbins, the allure of the post-apocalyptic, and just what exactly the Daleks wanted to do with Earth.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_128_-_Skimming_the_Works_of_Kant.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:33pm EST

The Cloister Room 127 - I Am Also Looking At The Christmas Pudding Wikipedia Page

Tom and Louis chart a course for one of Big Finish’s most celebrated release, the chilling Chimes of Midnight. Topics of discussion include classic automobiles of the United Kingdom, companion-driven story arcs, Doctor Who’s ulitmate get-out-of-death-free card, and… well, a lot of stuff about pudding.


The Cloister Room 126 - You Don't Want a Generic Face

This week, Tom and Louis pick up the funnybooks and talk about the first ten issues of the Tenth Doctor series from Titan Comics. Topics of discussion include the literary theory of comics, and David Tennant's face.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_126_-_You_Dont_Want_a_Generic_Face.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:32pm EST

The Cloister Room 125 - Make Sure It's An Anjou Pear

Tom and Louis journey into the pages of Paul Cornell's novel Human Nature, featuring the Seventh Doctor and Bernice Summerfield! Along the way, comparisons to the televised adaptation with David Tennant ensue. There is much talk of pears.


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_125_-_Make_Sure_Its_An_Anjou_Pear.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:16pm EST

The Cloister Room 124 - A Few More Hate Cells

Tom and Louis journey to Satellite Five to experience the Ninth Doctor's final stand, but are they just looking at the past through Rose colored glasses? 

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_124_-_A_Few_More_Hate_Cells.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:18pm EST

The Cloister Room 123 - The Nazi Parallels in Candy Land

After a week’s rest, Tom and Louis are back to discuss the Seventh Doctor and Ace’s adventure in a Nazi POW camp–Colditz! Topics of discussion include Klein’s golden age, lasers, and how David Tennant’s face is like a chicken parm sandwich.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_123_-_The_Nazi_Parallels_in_Candy_Land.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:16pm EST

The Cloister Room 122 - Well, As Long As We're Screwing With The Timeline

Once again a day late (we're not making a habit of it, we swear), Tom and Louis journey back into the archives of Big Finish to discuss the Fifth Doctor audio the Kingmaker, in all its historical hilarity. Topics of discussion include Shakespeare discontinuity, misdirection with the Master, and the Fourth Doctor's Big Finish pseudo-debut.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_122_-_Well_As_Long_As_Were_Screwing_With_The_Timeline.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:23pm EST

The Cloister Room 121 - Time-Vine

A day late but by no means a dollar short, this bumper edition of The Cloister Room features discussions of two different stories, bookending the Key to Time season--The Ribos Operation and The Armageddon Factor! If that turns out to be just slightly less than enough for you, how about a discussion of the new trailer for Series Nine of Doctor Who? Or how about a completely unrelated tangent about Animorphs? What are you waiting for? This thing is like an hour and a half long!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_121_-_Time-Vine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EST

The Cloister Room 120 - Willing to Wiggle

Tom and Louis take a side step into the world of animation for a discussion of the 2003 webcast, Scream of the Shalka, starring Richard E. Grant as the Doctor! Topics of discussion include animation budgets, robot roommates, and the new series that never was.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_120_-_Willing_to_Wiggle.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:45pm EST

The Cloister Room 119 - These Tent Shots Are Amazing

Tom and Louis have put a stop to their random wanderings. Invigorated by a new sense of directional purpose, and harangued by an artificially intelligent piece of junk mail, they journey to the Psychic Circus to discuss the Sylvester McCoy classic, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. Topics of discussion include evil kites, fruit vending best practices, and just how psychic that circus really is, anyway.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_119_-_These_Tent_Shots_Are_Amazing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The Cloister Room 118 - Wealthy Decadent Do-Nothings

Randomly, Tom and Louis wind up on the fanciest of mining crafts, for a discussion of the Fourth Doctor classic, The Robots of Death! Topics of discussion include hallucinogens, growing up with robots, and rich assholes.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_118_-_Wealthy_Decadent_Do-Nothings.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The Cloister Room 117 - We Can Get Behind "A Wizard Did It"

Random chance brings Tom and Louis to the Celestial Toymaker's terrifying toyroom, where random chance is basically the only thing that's going on. Topics of discussion include George and Margaret, Dodo's loved ones, the curse of the Trilogic game, and racism.


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_117_-_We_Can_Get_Behind__A_Wizard_Did_It_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm EST

The Cloister Room 116 - You're Stuck in the Hallway

Random wandering brings Tom and Louis to the point just before they began podcasting together--the two-part finale of the 2010 series, The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang! Topics include the mysterious voice that says "Silence Will Fall," the Jim Carrey version of the Doctor, and the Sontaran's fashionable carrying accessories.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_116_-_Youre_Stuck_in_the_Hallway.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EST

The Cloister Room 115 - Cup Pickup Here

Tom and Louis randomly arrive in the vast HD deserts of Dubai for a discussion of the David Tennant Easter-avaganza, Planet of the Dead. We won't give away what they thought of the story but let's just say the explicit tag was quickly earned. Topics of discussion also include Dalek pets and getaway drivers.

Direct download: TCR_115_-_Cup_Pickup_Here.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The Cloister Room 114 - It's All About The Model Shot

Tom and Louis find their way through random wandering to the mysterious planet Ravalox for a discussion of The Mysterious Planet. Topics of discussion include double acts, the Doctor's presidency, and the ideal placement of audiovisual equipment in Gallifreyan courtrooms.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_114_-_Its_All_About_The_Model_Shot.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:59pm EST

The Cloister Room 113 - Strange Mouth Sounds

In their random wanderings, Tom and Louis are brought to the Power of Kroll, for a discussion of green body paint, CSO, ethical treatment of Swampies, and the career of Robert Holmes.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_113_-_Strange_Mouth_Sounds.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:32pm EST

The Cloister Room 112 - No Chocolate Allowed On The Moon

Tom and Louis continue their random journeys through the classic series with this discussion of the Jon Pertwee classic--Frontier in Space! After already having watched the second leg of this mega-epic, Planet of the Daleks. Topics include architecture, lady presidents, and the mind probe.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_112_-_No_Chocolate_Allowed_On_The_Moon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

The Cloister Room 111 - The Opposite of Psychic Powers

After an hiatus in the early months of 2015, Tom and Louis return to The Cloister Room! From here on out, new episodes will be posted weekly. This week we continue our random journey through Doctor Who by discussing The King's Demons! Topics of discussion include musical kings and Adric's ghost.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_111_-_The_Opposite_of_Psychic_Powers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

The Cloister Room 110 - Would You Like Me To Tide Their Blood?

This week Tom and Louis discuss the Shakespeare Code! Topics of discussion include the Harry Potter dating controversy, and the genius of the audience member.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_110_-_Would_You_Like_Me_To_Tide_Their_Blood.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:08pm EST

The Cloister Room 109 - This is a Sacred Song

It's Christmas time! Well, okay, it's not. But at any rate it's time to listen to Tom and Louis discuss their reaction to the episode of Doctor Who that aired when it WAS Christmas time. Topics include dream crab family life and a certain special Christmas song. And it's not by Wham!

Direct download: The_Closter_Room_109_-_This_is_a_Sacred_Song.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

The Cloister Room 108 - Mayhem Has Merit

It's almost Christmas and Santa Claus is coming to town, but surely it's not too late for us to finally release our episode on Death in Heaven? Topics of discussion include Cyberkid, LI Who 2, and personal pronouns.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_109_-_Mayhem_Has_Merit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04pm EST

The Cloister Room 107 - A Snake and then Eric Roberts

Part one of the two-part finale is here! Tom and Louis discuss Missy’s big reveal, the latest development on Danny, and lots, lots more.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_107_-_A_Snake_And_Then_Eric_Roberts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41pm EST

The Cloister Room 106 - Zoo Tycoon

As Series Eight hurtles toward its conclusion, Tom and Louis confer over the third-to-last episode. Topics of discussion include zoo management and the Doctor's brother.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_106_-_Zoo_Tycoon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:56pm EST

The Cloister Room 105 - The Dimension Field is Leaking

Series Eight rolls on and Tom and Louis roll on accordingly. In this, their discussion of flatline, topics include iPad bezels and evil geniuses.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_105_-_The_Dimension_Field_is_Leaking.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10pm EST

The Cloister Room 104 - Actual Mummy Magic

Another week, another new episode! Tom and Louis discuss Mummy on the Orient Express. Tom derails the discussion with spoilers for the Big Finish audio "The Boy That Time Forgot" (so, y'know, look out for that), and Louis has Train Beefs.


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_104_-_Actual_Mummy_Magic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:23am EST

The Cloister Room 103 - Space Dragon Will Have to Do

Series Eight of Doctor Who continues with a trip to the moon. We talk about the Doctor's DVD collection, the US Presidency, and... well, the abortion thing. We talk about that.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_103_-_Space_Dragon_Will_Have_to_Do.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:43am EST

The Cloister Room 102 - Geographical Spillage

Halfway through the season! Tom and Louis discuss the latest episode, The Caretaker. Topics of discussion include the dietary habits of sand piranhas and the use of cherry bombs.


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_102_-_Geographical_Spillage.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55am EST

The Cloister Room 101 - That Box Has Been Well Ticked

Another week, another new episode of Doctor Who! We truly are spoiled. Tom and Louis take some time out to discuss whether the heist is sufficiently heisty. 


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_101_-_That_Box_Has_Been_Well_Ticked.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:29am EST

The Cloister Room 100 - A Structurally Sound Barn

It's the Cloister Room's one hundredth episode and Tom and Louis have one heck of an episode to discuss--Capaldi's latest adventure, "Listen." Topics of discussion include the ups and downs of future spacesuit fashion, and an important public service announcement for your health.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_100_-_A_Structurally_Sound_Barn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:28pm EST

The Cloister Room 099 - Shoot the Arrow into a Thermal Exhaust Port

Another week, another new episode! Louis and Tom talk about the Doctor's journey to Sherwood Forest. Topics of discussion include cuts and edits, swords and spoons.


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_099_-_Shoot_the_Arrow_into_a_Thermal_Exhaust_Port.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:51pm EST

The Cloister Room 098 - In That Case, On a Case by Case Basis, Whatever the Case May Be

Louis and Tom discuss Capaldi's second big outing, and his first showdown against the Daleks.  Topics of discussion include the two halves of fiction, tea in heaven, and soldiers.


The Cloister Room 097 - Pushing the Robot out the Flesh Blimp

Louis and Tom set their random wanderings aside--Doctor Who is back on television! Obviously, this episode is about Capaldi's first outing as the new Dr. Who.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_097_-_Pushing_the_Robot_Out_of_the_Flesh_Blimp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23pm EST

The Cloister Room 096 - An Experiment In Disguise Science

It's the eve of Peter Capaldi's first big outing as the Doctor, but who cares about that? Random selection has brought Tom and Louis to an idyllic village in the country where the Rani is up to no good. Topics of discussion include barren philosophies and wild endeavours.


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_096_-_An_Experiment_In_Disguise_Science.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02am EST

The Cloister Room 095 - Fire Extinguisher, Lost to Time

Random selection brings Tom and Louis to a spaceship, and also France. The origins of the Moffat era are uncovered, and the trials and tribulations of future spam filtering are discussed.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_095_-_Fire_Extinguisher_Lost_to_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28pm EST

The Cloister Room 094 - Well, One Of Us Is Going To Have To Change

The whims of the randomizer bring Tom and Louis to one of 2013's recently rediscovered gems: The Enemy of the World. Louis has some less than entirely kind words about Fedorin, while Tom praises Salamander's efficient use of space.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_094_-_Well_One_Of_Us_Is_Going_To_Have_To_Change.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:52pm EST

Random chance brings Tom and Louis to Doctor Who's tenth anniversary extravaganza, The Three Doctors. The origins of the Doctor's contempt for Twitter are explained, and we manage to hold things together through the force of our own will.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_093_-_Recorder_in_Color.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42pm EST

The Cloister Room 092 - Wake Up, Sheeple, Or Whatever

Tom and Louis randomly arrive in the Big Finish neighborhood of the Doctor Who universe, to discuss the 2003 audio release "Davros." Louis raises questions about Davros's economic plan, and Tom peels back the layers of the Kaled scientist.


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_092_-_Wake_Up_Sheeple_Or_Whatever.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53pm EST

The Cloister Room 091 - The Axon Clause

Random chance brings Tom and Louis to the seventies classic The Claws of Axos. Louis pitches the Pigbin Josh trilogy, and Tom brings us on tangents about Doctor Who story numbering conventions and acetaminophen poisoning.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_091_-_The_Axon_Clause.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32pm EST

The Cloister Room 090 - Please Hold, Your Screams Are Important To Us

A most random selection leads Tom and Louis to the planet Spiridon, where invisible creatures abound. Louis points out the Daleks’ apparent newfound cartographic advantage, and Tom proposes a new enemy for the Thals to face.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_090_-_Please_Hold_Your_Screams_Are_Important_To_Us.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:50pm EST

The Cloister Room 089 - How Rude of Me To Just Call Him Skull

The random selector brings Tom and Louis to season 15 of Doctor Who, to discuss rustic racism and glow skulls. Louis remarks on the Doctor's moral values, and Tom unpacks the implication of K-9's character arc in the serial.



The Cloister Room 088 - I Think He Was Based on a Lizard-Woman

At long last, Tom and Louis convene to discuss the finale of Sherlock's third series. Louis points out how Sherlock literally kills two metaphorical birds with one metaphorical stone, and Tom brings up question relating to Sherlock Holmes's ties to the Doctor Who universe.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_088_-_I_Think_He_Was_Based_on_a_Lizard-Woman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:08pm EST

The Cloister Room 087 - You Would Do Well To Heed Me

In a stunning feat of temporal ineptitude, the episode that should have been episode 85 is episode 87, and vice versa. Anyway. Tom and Louis are brought in their random wanderings to a Fourth Doctor classic, the Masque of Mandragora. Opinion is divided. But who will side with reason, and who will side with primitive superstition? Only one way to find out...


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_087_-_You_Would_Do_Well_To_Heed_Me.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37pm EST

The Cloister Room 086 - Hacking Detected

Tom and Louis resume their discussion of Sherlock's third series, and ponder the matrimonial mayhem of The Sign of Three. Louis ponders the telegrams, and Tom admires the computer skills on display in the episode's opening.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_086_-_Hacking_Detected.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:06pm EST

The Cloister Room 085 - The Shangri-La of Swimming Pools

Tom and Louis are randomly whisked away to the Seventh Doctor's era, picking up from their previous foray into Time and the Rani. Tom takes note of the punctuational music, and Louis wonders about Mel's appetite for cookies.


Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_085_-_The_Shangri-La_of_Swimming_Pools.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:45pm EST

The Cloister Room 084 - Two-ish Years Minus Some Days

Seeing as this podcast is allegedly about "Doctor Who and other things", don't you think it's time we discussed some other thing? We do. So we discussed the first episode of BBC's third series of Sherlock.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_084_-_Two-ish_Years_Minus_Some_Days.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:39pm EST

The Cloister Room 083 - Wrath of the Quakers

Discussing Doctor Who: Wrath of the Iceni

The time winds of random selection take Tom and Louis over to the Big Finish corner of the Doctor Who universe, where they discuss the Fourth Doctor adventure The Wrath of the Iceni. It all devolves into an extended defense of the pure historical.

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Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_083_-_Wrath_of_the_Quakers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

The Cloister Room 082 - A Really Long and Tedious End User License Agreement

Eleven's Hour is over now, the clock is striking Twelve's. At the risk of spoiling this episode, you might not want to listen to it if you're the kind of person who prefers constant sunshine and positivity.


The Cloister Room 081 - Trojan Fanfic OTP

Louis and Tom discuss one of Doctor Who's lost gems of the Hartnell era, The Myth Makers, a pure historical set during the Trojan War. Louis takes note of the story's paradoxical leanings, while Tom struggles to remember that one class he took on Homeric literature.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_081_-_Medieval_Trojanfic_OTP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:02pm EST

The Cloister Room 080 - Who Knows?

Louis and Tom explore Doctor Who's origins as they discuss An Adventure in Space and Time, and unravel the dozens of cameos in The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_080_-_Who_Knows_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:08pm EST

The Cloister Room 079 - Insert John Hurt

The long-awaited Doctor Who anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, has arrived, and Tom and Louis have convened to discuss it.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_079_-_Insert_John_Hurt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:12am EST

The Cloister Room 078 - Will It Hurt?

Tom and Louis are too excited to randomize right now! Doctor Who's anniversary special is still a little under six hours away (as of this writing), but you can spend a little over one of those hours listening to Tom and Louis discuss Big Finish's anniversary special, The Light at the End, as well as Steven Moffat's little anniversary surprise for the fans, The Night of the Doctor starring Paul McGann!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_078_-_Will_It_Hurt_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:25am EST

The Cloister Room 077 - That's Never Platinum!

The whims of random selection bring Tom and Louis to a firey planet; a planet of fire. Tom digs deep into the linguistic nuances of one Perpugilliam Brown, while Louis marvels at the existence of Kamelion, a companion he's never heard of!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_077_-_Thats_Never_Platinum.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:24pm EST

The Cloister Room 076 - This Beautiful Symphony of Martha

Tom and Louis are randomly brought to Doctor Who's fourth modern series for a discussion of the triumphant return of the Sontarans. Louis questions the warrior race's military supremacy, and Tom raises questions as to Martha's suitability for this story.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_076_-_This_Beautiful_Symphony_of_Martha.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:10pm EST

The Cloister Room 075 - That's True

A random selection brings Tom and Louis to The Ark, and then to The Ark again. That's just kind of how this works. Tom once again talks about how much he hates Dodo, and Louis points out how like a First Doctor story this First Doctor story is.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_075_-_Thats_True.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37pm EST

The Cloister Room 074 - He Likes It Venusian

The random selector brings Tom and Louis to the planet Peladon, for their first time and the Doctor's as well. The importance of the Ice Lords is discussed, and the merits of the delegate from Alpha Centauri are debated.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_074_-_He_Likes_It_Venusian.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:31pm EST

The Cloister Room 073 - This Is Something That Needs To Be Reconciled

As the world rejoices at the return of 9 lost Doctor Who episodes, Tom and Louis do not mention it at all, since this was recorded before that happened. Still, there's plenty of joy to be had as our podcasters are brought by random fate to the most thoroughly lost episode of Doctor Who ever to be half-finished: Shada! Tom engages in some blow-by-blow comparisons of Shada's many versions, while Louis has a bone to pick with K-9.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_073_-_This_Is_Something_That_Needs_To_Be_Reconciled.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:38pm EST

The Cloister Room 072 - You're My Favorite, Nyssa

Tom and Louis are randomly flown to a time long ago, for a discussion of Time-Flight, where Tegan is truly in her element. Louis draws connections to another, much more recent guy the Doctor had to thwart, and Tom comes up with a theory to narratively justify the Master's politically incorrect disguise.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_072_-_Youre_My_Favorite_Nyssa.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:09pm EST

The Cloister Room 071 - I Guess I Have To Call It Unobtanium

A random breeze carries Tom and Louis to a Colony in Space, where visitors may colonize or mine to their hearts' content. Louis questions the logic of the Master's plan, and Tom repeats vehicular details learned from the DVD release. Endless fun.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_071_-_I_Guess_I_Have_To_Call_It_Unobtanium.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28pm EST

The Cloister Room 070 - All Bets Must Be Upheld

This week, Tom and Louis randomly arrive on a street in victorian London, where a mysterious man claiming to be the Doctor is doing battle with some Cybermen and a villainess with unclear motivations. Tom objects to the production team's silly regeneration games, and Louis keeps pointing out, quite rightly, that it's Christmas.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_070_-_All_Bets_Must_Be_Upheld.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:50pm EST

The Cloister Room 069 - Magic Artist Powers

This week, Tom and Louis are randomly brought to Provence for an encounter with one of history's most famous painters. Louis wonders about the Doctor's finances, and Tom suggests that Van Gogh may be working with Improv Everywhere. Also, tangents about Bill Nigh-hee, lichens, and Abraham Lincoln. 

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_069_-_Magic_Artist_Powers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:04am EST

The Cloister Room 068 - Face It, Tegan, He's Drowned!

This week, Tom and Louis's random wanderings bring them to a base under sea. Louis calls Turlough's suitability into question, while Tom admires Ingrid Pitt's dance moves. Should there have been another way?

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_068_-_Face_It_Tegan_Hes_Drowned.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:08pm EST

The Cloister Room 067 - The Mutually Interlocked Angel Situation

This week Tom and Louis are randomly brought to Wester Drumlins for an encounter with the Weeping Angels. This one's an all-time classic, so you probably shouldn't expect us to have much to complain about. Louis remembers when he first saw the episode, and laments a bygone era when Moffat's writing was precious. Tom manages to find two (2) things to complain about. Also: a mulligan and a Mulligan.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_067_-_The_Mutually_Interlocked_Angel_Situation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:16pm EST

The Cloister Room 066 - Darren Is In My Personal Canon

This week's random selection brings Tom and Louis to a fan favorite: The Evil of the Daleks. Louis discovers the wonderful world of reconstructions, and Tom gets very excited about static and mirrors. Also, a minor tangent about crossover fanfiction!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_066_-_Darren_Is_In_My_Personal_Canon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52pm EST

The Cloister Room 065 - Now I Am Total Power.mp3

Tom and Louis, in their random wand'rings through time and space, were brought to the end of the Pertwee era for a discussion of Planet of the Spiders. Among the topics of discussion are world religions and terrible Two Legs acting--plus, a rather prescient remark from Tom (keep in mind that this was actually recorded prior to the announcement of Peter Capaldi's casting as the Doctor!).

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_065_-_Power_Spiders__Spiders_of_Power.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:46pm EST

The Cloister Room 064 - Dick Clark's New Doctor's Rockin' Eve

This week, on this very podcast, you can hear a couple of white guys talk about how excited they are about the new white guy who's playing the Doctor. The bizarre manner of the casting announcement is discussed, and Tom and Louis ostensibly discuss the first episode of The Thick of It, but actually don't.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_064_-_Dick_Clarks_New_Doctors_Rockin_Eve.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:39pm EST

The Cloister Room 063 - A Bird On The Head Is Worth Two In The Hand

This week Tom and Louis's random story generator brings them to the show's twentieth season for a rendezvous with a Brig or two. Tom sings the praises of Paddy Kingsland's  iconic driving theme, and Louis wonders what the deal is with all these Turloughs and Guardians and what have yous. And there is no discussion about Peter Capaldi, because this was recorded two weeks ago.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_063_-_A_Bird_On_The_Head_Is_Worth_Two_In_The_Hand.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:29pm EST

The Cloister Room 062 - Death, The Ultimate Experiment!

Tom and Louis are randomly assigned the unenviable task of watching and discussing Time and The Rani, a story about which they make no attempts to hide their distaste. Tom laments Doctor Who's first major use of CG, and Louis explores the strangeness of strange matter. It's not a fun story, but hopefully it makes for a fun podcast?

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_062_-_Death_The_Ultimate_Experiment.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30pm EST

The Cloister Room 061 - Moons Of Madness!

Guided by the whims of a =RAND() function in an excel worksheet, Tom and Louis embark on a journey to the planet Calufrax to discuss the Douglas Adams classic, The Pirate Planet. Louis noticea a connection that brought out memories of Tom's earliest fandom, and David Bradley and other Davids are discussed.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_061_-_Moons_Of_Madness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55pm EST

The Cloister Room 060 -Bad Daleks

Having finished their journey through Season 18 (and a little bit of Season 19), Tom and Louis randomize their viewing and wind up at the tail end of the Hartnell era, discussing the War Machines. Out of their element, Louis repeatedly mispronounced WOTAN and Tom gets Dodo's debut story wrong. Still, there is much to be discussed, from supply chaining to fourth wall breaking to Dodo's alleged death at the hands of history's greatest monster: syphilis. 

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_060_-_Bad_Daleks.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37pm EST

The Cloister Room 059 - Your Regeneration And You

Tom and Louis have finished Season 18, but there are loose ends which remain to be tied up, so they venture into Season 19 to discuss Castrovalva. Louis admires Nyssa's intensity, and Tom judges Master against Master.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_059_-_Your_Regeneration_And_You.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:34pm EST

The Cloister Room 058 - Airplane-Focused

It's been a long road, but Tom and Louis finally bring their discussion of Season Eighteen to a close with Logopolis, Tom Baker's final outing as the Doctor. Louis notes the TARDIS's interesting noises, and Tom wonders at the alien marvel of regeneration. All that and MORE!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_058_-_Airplane-Focused.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:25pm EST

The Cloister Room 057 - Nostalgia For Old Hatred

Tom and Louis met to discuss the overall quality of Doctor Who's seventh series, but were derailed briefly by a plague of missing episode rumors (skip to 18:44 if you don't want to hear about those). Tom waxed vitriolic about The Power of Three, while Louis appraised the season's worthiness as a farewell to Matt Smith. All this and tangents!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_057_-_Nostalgia_For_Old_Hatred.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:20pm EST

The Cloister Room 056 - Pretty Sweet Culture

With Tom and Louis continuing their discussion of Season 18, you'd think that this week's episode might be another short one. But you'd be wrong! Because not only do we spend a good amount of time discussing The Keeper of Traken, but starting at about 21:30, we discuss the announcement of Matt Smith's departure.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_056_-_Pretty_Sweet_Culture.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26pm EST

The Cloister Room 055 - The Lion Kings

Another short episode this week, as Tom and Louis continue their discussion of Doctor Who's eighteenth season with Warrior's Gate.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Rooom_056_-_The_Lion_Ki.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:45pm EST

The Cloister Room 054 - Evil Vampire People

Tom and Louis returned to Season 18 to discuss State of Decay. The episode is short, so the episode description shall follow suit.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_054_-_Evil_Vampire_People.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:58pm EST

The Cloister Room 053 - He Is The Railyard

With another season over and done, Tom and Louis met to discuss the events in The Name of the Doctor, and their potential ramifications. As Tom trotted out a list of six theories, Louis fretted about the absence of the Eighth Doctor. And as usual, the 50th anniversary is discussed.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_053_-_He_Is_The_Railyard.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:27pm EST

The Cloister Room 052 - Gollum Style

After the penultimate episode of series seven, Nightmare in Silver, Louis guided Tom through a therapeutic reconstruction of the plot, and the two of them share predictions about what will happen in The Name of the Doctor.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_052_-_Gollum_Style.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm EST

The Cloister Room 051 - Doctor Who Eye Thing

Another new episode of Doctor Who has aired, and Tom and Louis greet it with much enthusiasm (although one of them has considerably more enthusiasm than the other). Tom shares a new theory about Clara’s mystery, and Louis identifies a connection to Fringe. Plus, we talk about the 50th Anniversary special. Again.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_051_-_Doctor_Who_Eye_Thing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:03am EST

The Cloister Room 050 - Stuck On A Stone / I've Seen Your Name

Well, here we are, at an arbitrary numerical milestone. Fifty episodes. Did you ever think we’d make it this far? It only took us three years. But here we are at last. And to celebrate, Tom and Louis sat down for an extra-jam-packed episode, discussing NOT ONLY Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, but also The Five Doctors! Wow! Incidentally, if you don’t care at all about our discussion of The Five Doctors, you can just skip ahead to 32 minutes in.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_050_-_Stuck_On_A_Stone___I_ve_Seen_Your_Name.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:43pm EST

The Cloister Room 049 - Hot Pockets

Tom and Louis gather once again to discuss the most recent episode of Doctor Who. Well, the most recent from their perspective, not yours. Wibbly wobbly. Okay, listen. This episode is about “Hide.” Yes, “Journey to the Center of the TARDIS” has already aired, but we’re doing “Hide,” so sit down and deal with it. Also, this is our forty-ninth episode... it looks like an arbitrary milestone is soon to be upon us!

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_049_-_Hot_Pockets.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:02pm EST

The Cloister Room 048 - The HADS Is, Not The HADS Are

For the third consecutive week, that mysterious traveler in time and space known only as the Doctor has returned to our screens, and this time he’s brought us to the North Pole for an encounter with one of his oldest and deadliest foes. Meanwhile, Tom has been monitoring the Twitterverse for some kind of fan consensus on the current season of Doctor Who, and Louis laments the lack of discipline in the Soviet Navy. And while all this is going on, the classic Doctors all enjoy a leisurely afternoon in the Shire.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_048_-_The_HADS_Is_Not_The_HADS_Are.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37am EST

The Cloister Room 047 - Magic Songs Are Her Bit

Another week, another new episode of Doctor Who. This time around, The Rings of Akhaten brings Tom to a moment of personal crisis, while Louis finds himself moved to reminisce about Worlds of Warcraft gone by. The two intrepid podcasters face their most daunting challenge ever: a pronunciation conundrum. Plus: we puzzle over Zygon plots and aging Doctors.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_047_-_Magic_Songs_Are_Her_Bit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:04pm EST

The Cloister Room 046 - For The Win!

A new series of Doctor Who is upon us, so—oh, wait, it’s not a new season, it’s just... more of the previous season? I guess? So, Tom and Louis discuss the first—d’oh, I mean sixth, or maybe seventh, I dunno—episode of the current series and discuss their thoughts on the series’ current direction, while speculating pointlessly about what will happen next. Plus, the 50th anniversary casting bombshell is discussed, Louis wonders about River’s history with the Tenth Doctor, and Tom misremembers the ending of The Web of Fear. Where else can you get such scintillating discussion about Doctor Who? Possibly somewhere, I guess, if you look around, but there is no need to look around because a new episode of THE CLOISTER ROOM is right before your eyes! And ears.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_046_-_For_The_Win.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:17pm EST

The Cloister Room 045 - Cloud Storage

Tom and Louis return from what can only be described as an extended retirement to deliver their long (long, long) overdue review of Doctor Who’s 2012 Christmas extravaganza, “The Snowmen.” Along the way they discuss K-9, Sherlock, and other bizarre tangents.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_045_-_Cloud_Storage.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:57pm EST

The Cloister Room 044 - Agricultural Angels

Tom and Louis return with their much-delayed review of The Angels Take Manhattan, as well as some general thoughts on the first half of Doctor Who’s seventh series.

Direct download: The_Cloister_Room_044_-_Agricultural_Angels.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:39pm EST





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